Dr. Bonizzoni is once more part of a UA delegation that will visit multiple graduate recruiting fairs in Mumbai, Anand, Vadodara, Indore to increase UA's visibility in the growing Indian basin. Dr. Bonizzoni was awarded tenure and promototed to the rank of Associate Professor. Congratulations to him and to the whole group, especially to his past and present graduate students that advanced the Bonizzoni Group research goals throughout the years!
We officially received word from NSF that the MRI proposal for the acquisition of a MALDI/TOF-TOF mass spectrometer has been awarded! Dr. Bonizzoni serves as one of the co-PIs on this proposal, together with Dr. Carolyn Cassady (PI), Dr. Paul Rupar (coPI), and Dr. Yuping Bao (coPI, Dept. of Chemical Engineering). The new instrument will replace our aging MALDI/TOF to provide extremely high resolution and novel MS imaging capabilities that were previously not available. Our group will use the instrument to study the non-covalent complexation of organics to polyelectrolytes (e.g. PAMAM dendrimers). We are extremely excited to acquire this new capability, which is projected to come online in mid-2018.
September 2024